How's your New Year looking?

The past two years have brought new challenges to most of us. Struggling to find your balance during a pandemic is natural. For some it's worry, anxiety and for some it's guilt. These emotions can be non-resourceful and affect your behaviors. Maybe even resulting in negative outcomes for your health, relationships and career. These losses can shake your confidence and have you second guessing your decisions and splintering your focus.
Feeling shattered is no way to start the New Year.

A more resourceful state is that of strategic optimism. An optimism supported with a plan. How will you improve this year? An athlete trains, not just shows up on game day to perform. What is your training regimen?
A good development plan starts with an awareness and acceptance of weaknesses and opportunities. If you are blind to these two forces, I suspect new learning opportunities will be seeds sown on barren soil.
This brings up a couple of key questions. How to spot these areas for growth and where to get the input, insight and feedback necessary to improve.
Identifying these growth areas could be surfaced from conversations with your mentor, quality feedback from colleagues and direct reports and/or assessments. The source is your choice.
The next challenge is designing the system to support your growth. Books, training programs, masterminds, conference and such huddles can serve as source material for your development.
Another proven strategy is working with a skilled executive coach. A great coach will provide tools and strategies to surface your areas for development and be part of the learning and growth steps to follow. Is 2022 your year to partner with a coach?
How you do it is up to you. But the key lesson is you do it.
Be a better leader, lead a better life.
Happy New Year

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